10 Ways To Unwind And De-Stress Before Bed
“Put down the smartphone, switch off the tablet and lay off the booze to get a good night’s sleep.”
There were three or four pages of this sort of advice, ending up with 10 minutes of Yoga, probably much needed after all that guidance.
Why is it that everyone forgets the BED? You can be as chilled out as you want but if you are fighting your bed, the result will always be the same – poor sleep and many hours of lost relaxation. So remember what we promise you at Emporio BEDS,
“The pleasure of a good night´s sleep”
So, yes, we sell the glory of perfect, extended sleep and the added energy it brings for the following day. We will encourage you to buy the best, most luxurious bed you can and then to look after it well (see the CARE & ATTENTION Blog and our Terms & Conditions). No children trampolining on the mattress; inappropriate usage; or abuse of the product just careful ownership.
No, we do not mean NO to the TV and videos but then that might just bring on more sleep than being abstemious or tech-free all evening.
Just occasionally we have visitors to our showroom who make us stop and think.
- A movement
- A glance
- A word
Reminds us that a bed can also be a playground with infinite possibilities. We reflect that an active and fulfilling sex life will certainly bring more closeness, comfort and eventually rewarding sleep. It can also add to the demands on the bed so in this case size does matter, the more room you have the better. The bed and the whole ambiance of the bedroom, be it boudoir; harsh masculinity; or what ever, should enhance the opportunity and the enjoyment. Yes you can bring toys, massage books and Tantric rhythms but you still, really need the perfect, comfortable bed. With these preparations and perfect love making the worry of broken sleep should recede, except of course you might find that achieving 8 hours sleep takes up more than one third of the night and day.
Obviously this will never be our initial dialogue with visitors but for those who give the right vibes we will promote this added advantage of a quality bedroom environment. If we can, in some small way, revive the romance of luxury and holiday anticipation then we will be delighted to have contributed.
A good bed is the essence of a happy and harmonious life.